Project 00 – Background- Amy Friedman

Background — Tags: — amyfried @ 12:08 am

I’m Amy Friedman, my background is in Architecture, but for my final year of school I focused on learning to code, design and develop wearable technology.

I want to create innovative, ergonomic wearable interactive technology to help decrease obesity rates by improving peoples’ daily activity, and further strengthening the importance of healthy living. There is a disconnect between what is advocated as a healthy lifestyle and what people truly accomplish each day.

My works can be found at . My works relating to this course involved Whisker, and Ba.S.I.S.

Ba.S.I.S from Amy Friedman on Vimeo.

Project00 – Background – John Mars

Background — Tags: — John Mars @ 12:17 am

John Mars, at your service. I’m a first-year grad here in the MTID program, just graduated from the Architecture program at RISD.

The future lies not in the augmentation of ourselves with technology, but in the collaboration with its new intelligence. I want to give that intelligence to the things that pervade our lives.

In general, all of my works are available at Of relevance to this class are Interface, Computing Drawing, WebSounds/piano, Block Island, Shells, and Jitterbug. Plus, here’s a fun little YouTube playlist of examples for your enjoyment:

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